May 10, 2014

60 Things I Simply Can't Stand

1.       Pushy Bank Tellers. Join my bank, get this insurance and while we are there get your partner to join also. Don’t they realise it makes me not want to join or close my current accounts. First time fine, second time hmm ok maybe, 50th time give it a break!

2.       People that think they are above other people. Everyone is equal and those who think they are better than other people need to realise they are most likely at the bottom of the scale they like to use.

3.       Tomato Sauce on Eggs, although a lot of people love this, I simply can’t stand it. Two things that shouldn’t be mixed. On my mate anyways.

4.       When someone eats all the chocolate out of the fridge. So you buy a block of chocolate for the week for everyone and then you go to get one piece and gone! Story of my life.

5.       Adds everywhere! Go to Facebook; adds. Go to my phone; adds. Go to my TV; adds. Some are ok, but too many in one place is just too much.

6.       Hackers! People who need to steal other people’s information, articles, identities, money or even just games to better themselves. We put in the effort why can’t you!

7.       Being pressured to do things that I don’t want to do. Everyone is different and some people need to sit back and realise this. Not everyone wants to do what you want to do.

8.       Animal Cruelty. The people who torture animals for whatever reason. Leave them alone!

9.       Coffee – Although this is well liked by heaps of people I simply can’t stand it. You can smell it a mile away especially if you walk past a coffee shop. Pongs!

10.   Winter – I hate freezing my bum off, I would rather a warm sunny day then be wrapped up in millions of blankets and still cold.

11.   People who refuse to compromise. Life is full of different things, and we can’t always have what we want, everyone needs to compromise some time or another.

12.   Rude people – Nothing worse than being polite to someone and they are just being rude to you.

13.   Being late – I am always on time, if I say I’ll be there at 7, then I will be there at 6.45. I hate it when someone says to meet them at a certain time and they are late.

14.   Liars – You never know what to believe even if they are telling the truth. We all know the story about the boy who cried wolf.

15.   Sexual predators – Simply disgusting!

16.   Sand – I live right on the beach basically, but the sand drives me crazy! It gets in my toes, in my house and I don’t think the kids have ever come home without half the beach.

17.   Pumpkin – Eww! Although a popular food, I have always said Pumpkin is poisonous.

18.   Religion Pushers – Everyone has the right to believe or not to believe. Don’t try and swoo me to follow your religion, I shall if I want to not because you are trying to make me.

19.   Heights – Something I am not good with at all. Recently making my way up to the top of a massive water slide at a park, I was trying not to puke over the side.

20.   When my kitten poops in the house – My Miss Molly is generally good, but she does like to leave me the occasional present here and there.

21.   People who break up other couples – Are you really that desperate? There’s enough people in this world, go find someone to make you happy.

22.   The fact I can’t plug myself into a computer and my thinking does the typing instead of my fingers.

23.   Doing Groceries then there still seems to be nothing you want to eat.

24.   Someone touching my belly button – definitely a no go zone.

25.   Barking dogs – Fine when they are simply doing their job, but all night at nothing? Argh

26.   Attention seekers – Oh look at me, me, are you looking? What about now?

27.   People who think they know everything – No one knows everything, not even you.

28.   Trying to explain something when you can’t find the right words – Yes that thing, you know the thing around that thing? You know?

29.   Losing one earing – We could at least lose both.

30.   Cold sores – The horrible little uncomfortable sore that you get that wants to eat your face away and make it hard to eat.

31.   Strawberries – Although they look so yummy especially dipped in chocolate I don’t like them.

32.   The fact I can’t find a better MMO game than Warcraft and despite my efforts keep going back.

33.   The fact I suck at using Twitter despite having an account I log daily.

34.   Little white rooms such as Pathology and Tattooists just make me feel uncomfortable. Needles are fine, and I have tattoos but I would rather get them done outside on the street than one of those little white rooms.

35.   Barbies – The typical image that so many girls want to be, can’t you just be yourself?

36.   The fact I can’t tell the future.

37.   Cooking – Oh one of my pet hates, I can but hate to cook. Spag on toast anyone?

38.   People who reply with a text of one letter – So I sent you a long text and your reply was k..

39.   Getting older – I really don’t want to hit my next double digit; I feel it will be all downhill from there.

40.   When my kids say Mum 8000 times a day. I’m changing my name tomorrow to Dad.

41.   Headaches – Seriously I don’t push my brain that hard, yet it’s still complaining.

42.   School Teachers that look down on Parents – Without our kids you wouldn’t have a job.

43.   Having to play music softly – The louder the better in my opinion especially on a road trip.

44.   Cleaning – Although it has to be done, it just gets messed back up. Sometimes I really don’t see the point.

45.   Private numbers – When you ring me at least give me warning of who is ringing, I may not wish to speak to you at the moment.

46.   Going into the shop for one item and leaving with 30 - I really should stop doing this.

47.   The pressures of parties such as Tupperware, Linen, Candle whatever parties. While the lady is standing there looking at you like “Are you going to buy something?”

48.   Chuck Norris Jokes – Wow do these drive me crazy!

49.   Not being supported – I do my best to support others, a little in return is only fair.

50.   Getting my hair wet while swimming – I don’t know why just hate it, but in the shower is fine.

51.   People who flaunt their money –Not all of us are that lucky, instead of showing it off, put it to use.

52.   Body Image – The magazines need to realise they are sending out the wrong signals, not that they care. The world is full of different sized people not everyone can or should be a size 0.

53.   Obligations – I hate being obligated to do something, I will do what I want, when I want not because I have to.

54.   Stereotyping – Just because I live in Australia doesn’t mean I speak a certain way, stand around my BBQ with a beer and ride Kangaroos to work.

55.   Lady days – Seriously that’s just unfair, why can’t men get periods as well?

56.   People who drive 60 in the 100 zone, and then 80 in the 60 zone. Are you doing it to annoy me or do you have your numbers back to front?

57.   People who sit beside you are fart – Gross! Take your smell elsewhere.

58.   Spam Emails – If I haven’t clicked it the first 489 times you sent it to me, I’m not going to.

59.   Posing for a photo then you realise how horrible you look – not always but often.

60.   A lot more things, but I have hit beyond my word and whinge limit.

While there are heaps of things I simply can’t stand, there also heaps of things I love and adore. If you would like to share some of your pet hates with me, please leave them in a comment below.
Related Article I wrote : 10 Annoying Things About Grocery Shopping! I bet you will agree with most of them!
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