August 9, 2013

5 Signs these kids are mine!

Anyone out there with children will completely understand where I am coming from. I love, adore and cherish my children. They are who make me who I am. They find a way to amaze me every single day, and I love watching them grow up and more into their own personalities. But, and yes there is a but...sometimes they do things that make you wonder “Where did that kid come from?” or more so “I couldn’t deny that child is mine even if I wanted to”. Sometimes things are right under our noses but we don’t realise at first, then bam! All of a sudden we see, see what’s happening around us, see how much our children have changed, or see how much they are exactly like us!

1.       I’m having an argument with my daughter and she starts doing the Jerry Spring headshake to which everyone tells you that is your signature move. You realise your staring in the mirror. “Oh no you didn’t girlfriend”

2.       I’m at a child’s birthday party; kids are running around like crazy people having a blast. The mum’s are all grouped up in their playground cliques so you sit at a different table as it’s not really my scene, I’d rather get in and run riot with the children than hang out in a ‘mum’s and bub’s group’ and talk about “oh my baby did this, and my hubby did that.” I notice my daughter is sitting beside me rather than running riot with the kids so I ask her why she’s not playing. “It’s not my thing, I’d rather sit here.” So apparently it’s not her scene either.

3.       My son has mastered acting like a monkey, sounds, screams, movements and he’s pretty good at it to I might add, especially with the encouragement of his father who also does an excellent monkey scream imitation and his father’s mate who does a great imitation of a veloce raptor. So yes, the child has some encouragement here. Fine, all good, let them have their fun but it’s the awkward moment they do it in public. It’s loud and people not only look, but give you that expression as though “Glad that’s not my kid” so you just keep walking and secretly hope no one is calling the zoo.

4.       At home our kids run from the bathroom to the bedroom naked no worries, go to the beach swim in boardies no worries, but then head into a surf shop after the beach, no shoes still in boardies and a town then all of a sudden there’s a nudity issue. He’s not wearing a shirt; the shop keeper can see his boobies! I must admit this was quite funny and cute at the same time. My son (who is 7) has never had an issue with this before but when we walked up to the surf shop from the beach all of a sudden he started peeling out and covering his boobs. The shop keeper said hello and he just looked at her shyly. He continued to walk through the store this like with my partner and me covering his boobs the entire time we were there. Got back in the car and he was fine. Was weird but funny, a perfect sign that kid is mine. 

5.       My daughter is a school freak, which is good and bad at the same time. I want her to learn and be all she can be, I want her to do really well at school which she always does and hopefully will continue to do. But! She goes to school 5 days a week, spends the weekends playing schools, doing extra assignments, writing, doing sums, projects, practicing spelling anything that they do in school. Currently she is sitting at the table writing her own “10 reasons why I hate brothers” article because she watches me write my articles. I was the same at school, and here I am still writing but I have done my 12 years of school and now feel like I am doing it again. Listening to the stories, helping with the homework, projects and then the extras on the weekends that I later find out I’ve been tricked and aren’t school projects but her projects. I caught her giving her brothers their homework answers and doing their school projects for them, while they were happy slackers, they won’t learn this way. I eventually had to tell her I would ground her from doing homework for a week if she didn’t stop telling them. While to any other child this would have been the best thing a mother could have said, not her who was instantly jaw dropped and couldn’t believe I would do such a horrible thing. It did work though and the boys went back to doing their own homework.  It’s like I’m watching myself 20 years ago, there’s definitely no denying this one.

Each day brings something new, something that makes me laugh or shocks me. It truly does wow me, to watch my children grow up each day and become more and more the people they are growing up to be.

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