September 2, 2013

Dear My Future Self

I read somewhere there can be a lot of benefits in writing to your future self, especially if you write it as in how you currently are, how you feel, what you want to achieve in the near future and then hide it away re reading it at some point down the track. It is supposed to help you realize where you need to improve yourself and life but not having completed the things you write down or by feeling the same way instead of resolving things. It would depend on what sort of things you wrote down, and what they meant to you.  I think it could be interesting to try and leave the letter aside for a couple of years to see what has changed, but I guess if I could write to my future self it would be to get answers.

Answers that I would hope might give me peace of mind that I'm doing something right and on the right path to what I want in life. Not all answers would be what I want to hear I suppose but the benefit of knowing would be being able to try and better the outcome. Although I do believe in the butterfly effect, if I could get answers I most likely still would. Either way, I will be able to read this later on down the track.

Dear my future self,

I hope that you are well and I didn't mistreat our body too badly or do anything silly. I hope that eventually I got myself motivated and worked on the things I need to. I hope a lot of things really but I guess my questions are these.

Am I healthy and if not is it something I could have avoided?
Did all the years of drinking and smoking finally catch up to me?
Is my family ok and doing well?

Do my children grow up safely and are happy?
Am I happy?

I hope that I have found that me thing which gives me peace and a sense of fulfilment. Finally letting go and walking forward instead of not forgiving.
Am I working? At this age I look forward to getting back into the work force once the children are old enough, have I achieved this? If so where?
How do you see me now, remembering back?

Are you full of regret?
Are there things I regret later in life and if so are they forgivable? Especially by myself?
Am I alone, with the person who completes me, or stuck out of habit and comfort?
How many children do I have? Did I go the extra mile?
Did I get around to traveling somewhere overseas?
Do my children still love me?
Is all the writing despite it being for fun, all for nothing?
Are there more positives than negatives in my life?
Do my friends take me as I am, are loyal, and trustworthy?
Did I find the answers I was looking for in life?
Is it all worth it in the end?

Hopefully over time as I get older I will be able to answer some of my questions and finally have the answers I seek.

From my current and always curious self,

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