September 27, 2013

"Alan Alan Alan...Mum Mum Mum".

You know you've been up to something when you wake up and your children are calling you Alan instead of mum. What started out as a normal morning ended up with me thinking oh what have I done now? Which to be honest doesn’t really surprise me anymore.

Ages ago I seen a link that someone shared via Facebook, it was an animal You Tube video originally; a documentary sorts, but with cheeky voice overs and quite the laugh. While I usually don't watch that kind of thing,  or even half the videos linked through my timeline, I'm glad I did.

The very first time I seen this video it reminded me of my children. I couldn’t help but think the Prairie Dog who is calling to his mate Alan, was a lot like any child calling out to their parents...cute but repetitive. Not saying my kids remind me of a Prairie Dog, but the “Alan Alan Alan”, sounds a lot like “Mum Mum Mum" after it’s been said a thousand times a day and the fact that it is said both "Day time...Night Time"...

After a standard weekend BBQ dinner, few drinks and relaxing by the fire, I obviously had one of those “Great Ideas at the Time Moments.”  Any parent can understand how the constant mum calling can drive you a bit bonkers, so I told the kids that the word Mum is banned and they can call me Alan from now on, change things around a bit.

Even the next day they thought this was pretty funny, but I didn’t mind at all. Can always block out someone else’s name. If you haven’t seen the video, I hope you enjoy it. To those that have seen it, sorry but you know it’s worth watching again.

And then tell me you can’t hear Mum Mum Mum in Alan Alan Alan!....Enjoy!
Video Credit: BBC and James Gordon

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September 24, 2013

Meet Our Energetic Toe Biter, Kangaroo Kung Fu Panda and Egyptian Goddess

This is a continuation of my posts in the 642 Topics Challenge originally started by Kristen from When in Doubt Keep Swimming. If you would like to be apart of this challenge click here! If you would like to see more of my posts from this challenge click here!
Topic Challenge  #56 Thoughts On Your Favourite Pet’s Personality

Your probably wondering what Energetic Toe Biters and Kangaroo Kung Fu Pandas are, well throw in an Egyptian Goddess and you have our pets. 

 First of all I have to admit that I have always been a cat person although we own both, 2 dogs and a cat. So instead of playing favourites I’ve decided to sway more to my favourite of each pet’s personality. Between the three of them, their personalities are so different to one another’s, I couldn’t compare them anyway.

 I guess I should start at the beginning with Mr.B we will call him. He is rather a spunky boy so I'll protect him from all the female pooches out there and keep his identity secret.

Mr.B was our first animal addition to the family, although if you get the kids on the right day you could probably put them in the same category. My partner has always been a dog person, so when trying to decide and agree on a breed, this was my bargaining token.

“It has to be a cute dog, like a really cute looking dog. So when it’s chewing my clothes off the line and pooping all over

my yard, his looks might save him”.
And save him they did, with the addition of purchasing a dryer. This gorgeous little puppy was a menace! He would chew the brick wall, rip down the clothes from the line (even the chilli covered ones) dig holes, and whinge through the fence when I went to work until one day he finally got his head stuck and the neighbour had to save him.  She didn’t mind however, spent the day with our sooky boy lapping it up snuggled at her feet.

2 years on, (how the time has flown!) our energetic toe biter has mellowed...big time. Mr.B is now what I call a sloth. He sleeps all day or at least until someone walks past the fence, and then he jumps up to create a sandstorm along the fence line. The only other time I see him energetic is when we are about to go for a walk. I think this would be my favourite part of Mr.B’s personality. I won’t even look at him, just walk around the house minding my own business and grab a pair of shoes. They could be any type of shoes from joggers to high heels I can’t walk in, and his antenna still goes up. Starts stalking me through each door…watching…waiting... then “Yes! She’s touched that thing she sticks in her ears… WALK!!! He’s ready and pouncing at the door. My partner is a lot more game than I am, allowing him to run and tow him on the skateboard. I would end up with no skin, but Mr.B loves it.

"If you don’t take him on the walk, he will jump up and down and give you his sad face."

Next to come home with us was Miss M. It was my birthday, and my partner and the children told me I could do whatever I wanted to... so off I went. Although we had talked about getting a kitten and I couldn’t help but be like “Oh My Gawd!" at almost every cat I seen, it wasn’t yet a definite as to whether I was allowed one. So I used my “You can do whatever you like” birthday token, told the husband and kids to get in the car and off to town we went.

I wasn’t really thinking about the gigantic dog this poor kitten had to come home to or how it would pan out, but hoped overtime they would get along, or at least Mr.B not eat her. There were a few moments where things came to a standstill, or got a little sticky with Mr.B giving her a big lick to see what she was, but they get along fine now. While He wants to hang out, she just wants to be outside.

I guess that’s why I like her, she’s totally me in a way, such similar personalities. She will love you when she wants to and is a total psycho 4 minutes later, not impressed that you stopped patting her or didn’t let her outside. She is an inside cat but has outside playtime with supervision, for my peace of

mind. Because of this, she has learnt to wait for that perfect moment we open the door, half step out and “Bam!” She bolts for it, every single time… She is curious, as most cats are, addicted to bouncy balls and does ninja air jumps trying to catch flies. What's not to love about that?

You know the Egyptian Cat Statues that stand all high and proud? Well that's how I see my Miss M, along with most cats. She thinks she is the Egyptian Goddess of our house, especially over the dogs always giving them "Bow Down To Me" glares. If looks could kill sometimes we would all be in trouble, yet other times she is so affectionate she will continue to head butt your hand until you pat her or accept her affection.

Speaking of women, we had been talking about getting Mr.B a girlfriend for a while but hadn’t quite found the right girl yet...That was until I seen this gorgeous puppy face staring at me from my Facebook page. “ZOMG! She’s so adorable!” Honestly I was too busy cooing over these puppies to think about what happens when you have 2 dogs or starting all over from puppy stage again. Double Poop, flies and the crying! It came back to me that night though…very fast!

We bought our gal home, and did our best to help her settle in. She was so adorable but even the double mattress, toys, attention and a boyfriend… didn’t make the next week any easier. It didn't occur to me at the time that Huskies howl, and she howled any and every second we weren’t right beside her. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!” Over and over, head to the sky and choosing to face the neighbour’s house, which promptly had me over there explaining that we hadn’t stolen a dingo or turned into werewolves. 

The howling eased off, and Miss S. went back to being herself. Normal, happy, playful, all go go and oh yes, did I mention hypo??? This girl reminds me of half a kangaroo and half Kung Fu Panda. She leaps on your lap, gets super hypo in the mornings and when she really wants to play she nibbles on Mr.B’s ear or skin roles until he gets the picture she’s not going to give up and plays.

You can’t help but get the mental image of an older lazy man with this young Chicky hanging off him driving him nuts for some attention when all he wants to do is sleep. It’s rather funny to watch as she has it all over him, and she doesn’t give up. “Sleeping…can’t move…sleeepi…ouch!” And there goes his ear.

Miss S. however is FINALLY starting to understand that the cat doesn’t want to play and will whoop her if she keeps stepping on her toes. Miss S. finds our cat very interesting and gets rather hypo when she comes outside. Miss M. (cat) on the other hand isn’t very appreciative of the bouncing kangaroo always coming near her and trying to taste her tail. We watch they don’t get too rough with each other, but it seems a few nibbles here and a few scratches there are doing well for their relationship. Tough love maybe?

 Such a life it would be, being a loved family pet. Eating Sleeping, Slothing when you like, knowing all you have to do is drag yourself up when your ready and you will get smooches. Each of our pets have such different personalities, it’s perfect and brings the best of all worlds to our house.

 If you would like to go Home click here! Or you could try clicking your heels 3 times whilst saying "There's no place like home".. Which ever gets you there faster.

September 6, 2013

#404 Eminem Live and I Still Feel Uneasy?

This is a continuation of my posts in the 642 Topics Challenge originally started by Kristen from When in Doubt Keep Swimming. If you would like to be apart of this challenge click here! If you would like to see more of my posts from this challenge click here!
#404 Put yourself in a place where you feel vulnerable and uneasy

I think I might have a split personality, half of me enjoys people's company and the other hates it, both these depending on who, what, where, etc. of course. Although in general it doesn’t take much for me to feel uneasy.

Back in 2012 my partner and I went and seen Eminem live in concert in Sydney. While the thought of seeing Eminem live was exciting I was so freakin nervous!

For starters I had never been to Sydney, let alone such a large concert so I was imagining the worst case scenario of thousands and thousands of people. Which I suppose there was. Even just being in the cab on the way to our motel had me thinking things like “Oh crap I don’t have a will yet!”… Sydney is so hectic, people pushing in here, ducking in there… not what I am used to at all.

Image Credit: AceShowBiz
We arrived at our motel, and were staying in the pent house. Dressed ready and having a couple of drinks to help get us in the party mood and all I could do was panic about what was to come. I was stressing that hard I was dry reaching and my hands were shaking. Yet I wanted to go and was looking forward to it. How do you figure that? Yes, oh did I forget to mention I have a mild case of anxiety? Throw that, a new situation, a crowd or something I don't know in together and I have a recipe for panic. My partner as always tried calming me and we left for the stadium. People everywhere! All I could think was "omg I'm going to get lost, left behind and gimped!”

We had front row tickets and once the concert started me being a short ass couldn't see. I figured I needed to pretty much man up and find a spot or spend the next couple of hours listening to the random back of someone’s head sing me Eminem songs.

So I left my partner making my way to the front fence where I had a perfect and very close view. Eminem live! Woop! Once I had settled into my spot and told myself I don’t know any of these people, I was fine. Singing, dancing and having a good time, and as always thought to myself "why did you stress out?” I was so close it wasn't funny, standing next to the front gate where they take all the people and especially young girls out of the mosh pit, because it's to much for them. The view... well he spoke for himself, well should I say sung for himself.

It's just a part of me I guess, I stress over a lot of things that I shouldn’t. Taking on to many of my friend’s problems as my own, worrying about the worst before it happens, there being to many people or things going on in one place and all despite knowing better. I guess somehow it makes me feel slightly prepared. Nothing can happen that I haven't already thought about, but nothing I ever think about ever happens.

So as per usual, I stressed about nothing. The Eminem concert was great, we had a fantastic time, and I got home safe and sound. Would definitely do it again, but this time spend a little more time in the crazy hectic shopping malls of Sydney and go shopping! Of course I would still feel uneasy, but that's just me.

To go home and see more of my blog click here!

September 3, 2013

# 77 Screw You

Today while scouting through my Facebook newsfeed I ran into a post linked by Kristen Called “642 Things To Write About”. She has decided to make it more so a fun challenge with those who want to participate. I thought this sounded interesting and put my hand up. Not only does it give you random topics you have to write about but you also meet other bloggers along the way. So here's cheers to my first of many posts in the 642 topic challenge.

                                                       #77 "Screw You"

I must admit this topic caught my eye and may have helped convince me to play along with the challenge and I could describe at least one or two things out of each day that I would class as screw you moments. For example, the cars that won't wait 2 seconds to let you out, the bills that all come at once when you've already paid a pile or even standard housework.

So today’s screw you moment is brought to you by housework.
Why am I the only one who can change a toilet roll? Why am I the only one who can hang their towel up instead of just dumping it on the ground somewhere? Why am I the only one who will pick something up as I walk past it knowing it doesn't belong there? Do I notice things need to be done more than others because I know it’s me who will have to do it anyway?

The answer is "because I'm mum".  "Mum will do this, I'll leave it to her or she'll do it when she comes back, she always does". Don't get me wrong, I love my family but these are screw you moments! A big kick in my face so to speak especially if I have already done it and now have to do it all again.

Speaking about being kicked, I finally got myself into gear and joined a boot camp, starting this Monday. Although I know I need it and there will be pain, I can't help but think out of an hour boot camp ill secretly be thinking screw you to the trainer for a good 52 minutes or so.

Running up and down stairs, yes screw you. Sit-ups and push-ups yep screw you again. Then when I'm dying and can't move anymore she'll spring the horrid squats on me, definitely screw you!

Just thinking about it is making me sore already!
Feel Free to leave a comment with your screw you moments or join the challenge!

September 2, 2013

Dear My Future Self

I read somewhere there can be a lot of benefits in writing to your future self, especially if you write it as in how you currently are, how you feel, what you want to achieve in the near future and then hide it away re reading it at some point down the track. It is supposed to help you realize where you need to improve yourself and life but not having completed the things you write down or by feeling the same way instead of resolving things. It would depend on what sort of things you wrote down, and what they meant to you.  I think it could be interesting to try and leave the letter aside for a couple of years to see what has changed, but I guess if I could write to my future self it would be to get answers.

Answers that I would hope might give me peace of mind that I'm doing something right and on the right path to what I want in life. Not all answers would be what I want to hear I suppose but the benefit of knowing would be being able to try and better the outcome. Although I do believe in the butterfly effect, if I could get answers I most likely still would. Either way, I will be able to read this later on down the track.

Dear my future self,

I hope that you are well and I didn't mistreat our body too badly or do anything silly. I hope that eventually I got myself motivated and worked on the things I need to. I hope a lot of things really but I guess my questions are these.

Am I healthy and if not is it something I could have avoided?
Did all the years of drinking and smoking finally catch up to me?
Is my family ok and doing well?

Do my children grow up safely and are happy?
Am I happy?

I hope that I have found that me thing which gives me peace and a sense of fulfilment. Finally letting go and walking forward instead of not forgiving.
Am I working? At this age I look forward to getting back into the work force once the children are old enough, have I achieved this? If so where?
How do you see me now, remembering back?

Are you full of regret?
Are there things I regret later in life and if so are they forgivable? Especially by myself?
Am I alone, with the person who completes me, or stuck out of habit and comfort?
How many children do I have? Did I go the extra mile?
Did I get around to traveling somewhere overseas?
Do my children still love me?
Is all the writing despite it being for fun, all for nothing?
Are there more positives than negatives in my life?
Do my friends take me as I am, are loyal, and trustworthy?
Did I find the answers I was looking for in life?
Is it all worth it in the end?

Hopefully over time as I get older I will be able to answer some of my questions and finally have the answers I seek.

From my current and always curious self,

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