September 27, 2013

"Alan Alan Alan...Mum Mum Mum".

You know you've been up to something when you wake up and your children are calling you Alan instead of mum. What started out as a normal morning ended up with me thinking oh what have I done now? Which to be honest doesn’t really surprise me anymore.

Ages ago I seen a link that someone shared via Facebook, it was an animal You Tube video originally; a documentary sorts, but with cheeky voice overs and quite the laugh. While I usually don't watch that kind of thing,  or even half the videos linked through my timeline, I'm glad I did.

The very first time I seen this video it reminded me of my children. I couldn’t help but think the Prairie Dog who is calling to his mate Alan, was a lot like any child calling out to their parents...cute but repetitive. Not saying my kids remind me of a Prairie Dog, but the “Alan Alan Alan”, sounds a lot like “Mum Mum Mum" after it’s been said a thousand times a day and the fact that it is said both "Day time...Night Time"...

After a standard weekend BBQ dinner, few drinks and relaxing by the fire, I obviously had one of those “Great Ideas at the Time Moments.”  Any parent can understand how the constant mum calling can drive you a bit bonkers, so I told the kids that the word Mum is banned and they can call me Alan from now on, change things around a bit.

Even the next day they thought this was pretty funny, but I didn’t mind at all. Can always block out someone else’s name. If you haven’t seen the video, I hope you enjoy it. To those that have seen it, sorry but you know it’s worth watching again.

And then tell me you can’t hear Mum Mum Mum in Alan Alan Alan!....Enjoy!
Video Credit: BBC and James Gordon

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