July 18, 2013

Dear My Three Adorable....Children,

Dear My Three Adorable..... Children,

The day each of you was born gave me such happiness and changed the world instantly around me. Each day you make me laugh, continue to amaze me and I watch you grow up a little more each day. I see you trying new things, I see you learning new things, I see you fighting with each other and then I see you work it out.

You tell me stories of stuff you remember from years ago yet I watch you struggle each morning to get ready for school, especially on the days we are already late. You forget to hang up your towels twice a day, forget to empty your lunch boxes each afternoon, forget to put your shoes on the rack as you walk right past it, and you forget each day that you aren't supposed to wake up at crazy dark times let alone be fighting or waking the neighbours.
I am still trying working out how when I ask you about these things you suddenly remember, almost as if you are waiting for me to tell you to do it but trying to prolong the inevitable or should I say trying to get away with not doing it at all. It’s at times like these I start to wonder if you like the sound of my voice, or maybe you are trying to see how long it takes me to lose it? The mental stare down challenge over hanging the towel up and eating our breakfast!

You fight and stir each other until that person has enough, to which you all then come running and screaming “MUUUUUMMMM!” Five minutes later the tables have turned and it is a different child running and screaming at me.  Do you do this for kicks? Ten minutes after that nothing… everyone quiet as in someone has turned off the switch. Did I miss the on/off switch and have been doing the hard yards for all these years? Might as well ask while I’m here, did you come with an instruction manual to that is no doubt hidden from me.

So this is my question to you, my dear sweet children! Do you wake up each morning n have some kind of bet as to which kid can drive me the most crazy? Or maybe even on the odd days, drive each other nutters?  Do you wager cookies on it or something?
Feel free to share this with your MOTHER!

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